Fiscal Year |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
3-Y average |
Equity Ratio(%) |
57.53% |
56.99% |
54.43% |
56.28% |
Equity Assets |
197,404,039 343,117,882 |
201,261,924 353,181,496 |
367,164,128 |
Debt-Equity Ratio(%) |
42.47% |
43.01% |
45.57% |
43.72% |
Liabilities Assets |
145,713,843 343,117,882 |
151,919,571 353,181,496 |
167,324,661 367,164,128 |
Interest Coverage Ratio |
-1.84 |
1.19 |
-2.20 |
-1.14 |
EBIT Interest Expense |
-931,878 507,098 |
899,586 757,961 |
-2,939,281 1,337,059 |
Asset Turnover(%) |
9.18% |
9.22% |
8.85% |
9.08% |
Operating Revenue Average Assets |
31,016,321 337,773,226 |
348,145,940 |
31,870,409 360,169,063 |
Return on Assets (%) |
-0.28% |
0.26% |
-0.82% |
-0.28% |
Net Income Average Assets |
-931,878 337,773,226 |
899,586 348,145,940 |
-2,939,281 360,169,063 |
Return on Equity (%) |
-0.48% |
0.45% |
-1.47% |
-0.50% |
Net Income Average Equity |
-931,878 195,996,702 |
899,586 199,338,109 |
-2,939,281 200,555,823 |
Operating Profit Ratio (%) |
2.14% |
2.94% |
-5.59% |
-0.18% |
Operating Profit Operating Revenue |
665,094 31,016,321 |
942,109 32,096,203 |
-1,780,581 31,870,409 |
Operating Revenue Growth Rate (%) |
-1.50% |
3.48% |
-0.70% |
0.40% |
Operating Revenue for Current Period - Operating Revenue for Previous PeriodOperating Revenue for Previous Period Net Income Growth Rate Operating Revenue for Previous Period |
-473,065 31,489,386 |
1,079,882 31,016,321 |
-225,794 32,096,203 |
Net Income Growth Rate (%) |
-445.17% |
196.53% |
-426.74% |
-138.25% |
Net Income for Current Period - Net Income for Previous Period The Absolute Value of Net Income for Previous Period |
-760,945 170,933 |
1,831,464 931,878 |
-3,838,867 899,586 |
Equity Growth Rate (%) |
1.45% |
1.96% |
-0.71% |
0.88% |
Equity for Current Period - Equity for Previous Period Equity for Previous Period |
2,814,674 194,589,365 |
3,868,140 197,404,039 |
-1,432,712 201,272,179 |
Operating Revenue Per Employee ($K) |
5,644 |
5,614 |
5,515 |
5,590 |
Operating Revenue Total Number of Employees |
31,016,321 5,495 |
32,096,203 5,717 |
31,870,409 5,779 |
Fiscal Year |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
3-Y average |
Equity Ratio(%) |
57.53% |
56.99% |
54.43% |
56.28% |
Equity Assets |
197,404,039 343,117,882 |
201,261,924 353,181,496 |
367,164,128 |
Debt-Equity Ratio(%) |
42.47% |
43.01% |
45.57% |
43.72% |
Liabilities Assets |
145,713,843 343,117,882 |
151,919,571 353,181,496 |
167,324,661 367,164,128 |
Interest Coverage Ratio |
-1.84 |
1.19 |
-2.20 |
-1.14 |
EBIT Interest Expense |
-931,878 507,098 |
899,586 757,961 |
-2,939,281 1,337,059 |
Asset Turnover(%) |
9.18% |
9.22% |
8.85% |
9.08% |
Operating Revenue Average Assets |
31,016,321 337,773,226 |
348,145,940 |
31,870,409 360,169,063 |
Return on Assets (%) |
-0.28% |
0.26% |
-0.82% |
-0.28% |
Net Income Average Assets |
-931,878 337,773,226 |
899,586 348,145,940 |
-2,939,281 360,169,063 |
Return on Equity (%) |
-0.48% |
0.45% |
-1.47% |
-0.50% |
Net Income Average Equity |
-931,878 195,996,702 |
899,586 199,338,109 |
-2,939,281 200,555,823 |
Operating Profit Ratio (%) |
2.14% |
2.94% |
-5.59% |
-0.18% |
Operating Profit Operating Revenue |
665,094 31,016,321 |
942,109 32,096,203 |
-1,780,581 31,870,409 |
Operating Revenue Growth Rate (%) |
-1.50% |
3.48% |
-0.70% |
0.40% |
Operating Revenue for Current Period - Operating Revenue for Previous PeriodOperating Revenue for Previous Period Net Income Growth Rate Operating Revenue for Previous Period |
-473,065 31,489,386 |
1,079,882 31,016,321 |
-225,794 32,096,203 |
Net Income Growth Rate (%) |
-445.17% |
196.53% |
-426.74% |
-138.25% |
Net Income for Current Period - Net Income for Previous Period The Absolute Value of Net Income for Previous Period |
-760,945 170,933 |
1,831,464 931,878 |
-3,838,867 899,586 |
Equity Growth Rate (%) |
1.45% |
1.96% |
-0.71% |
0.88% |
Equity for Current Period - Equity for Previous Period Equity for Previous Period |
2,814,674 194,589,365 |
3,868,140 197,404,039 |
-1,432,712 201,272,179 |
Operating Revenue Per Employee ($K) |
5,644 |
5,614 |
5,515 |
5,590 |
Operating Revenue Total Number of Employees |
31,016,321 5,495 |
32,096,203 5,717 |
31,870,409 5,779 |